引用自 DeathwishLoud: pd2 has not been decompiled for quite some time now I did not mention deployables since it's already included in the base game now. Please contribute if you can think of anything else.
Perhaps this post will serve as a point of reference for overkill, as well as others currently working on their own solutions. player name and actual steam alias do not match.unlocking achievements without playing the maps for them.unlocking specific masks without playing the necessary missions.unrealistic rate of fire for weapons, or unrealistic / unchanging ammo amount.unrealistic damage modifiers for melee, explosion, or bullet damage.unlimited or unchanging armor or health amount.adding, removing, or changing armor in-game.Please contribute if you can think of anything else: Here are a few i've read, plus a few i've added myself. I've been reading some of the recent posts and a few users have come up with some good ideas about what should be in the anti-cheat routines for the game.